Large, Holiday Cottage, Aberystwyth, West Wales
Holiday Cottage, Aberystwyth, West Wales

Contact / Booking  

Changeover day is Saturday.
Weekend breaks and mid week breaks are available at certain times of the year.
Arrival time is after 4 pm and departure 10 am.

Make an Enquiry


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News & What's On


Aberystwyth Poetry Festival
Saturday 4th May to Monday 6th May,2024
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Aberystwyth and Ceredigion County Show
Saturday 8th June, 2024
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Welsh National Sheepdog Trials
Wednesday 14th to 16th August, 2024


"The cottage is exactly as advertised. In fact it’s so much better in real life. The most gorgeous house, comfortable rooms and plenty of features such as the games room and super large kitchen. It rained for our entire two weeks so we didn’t make use of the outdoor eating areas. Even the eldest grandchild, when questioned why she was staying in her room she replied because it was so comfortable. This is the best house we’ve ever rented and I would struggle to equal it in another location I’m sure."

- August 2021


How to get in touch | 07969 788576

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